Important Update: New Tardy Policy at Jefferson High School New Tardy Policy Overview: (per week) 1st & 2nd Tardy: Verbal warning and reminder of school expectations. 3rd-5th Tardy: Parent notification via email or phone call. 6th + Tardy:Students will be assigned ISS on Friday 9:00-12:00. After 3rd assigned ISS: A parent meeting will be scheduled to determine next steps and further disciplinary actions will occur. Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to PinterestShare to Email
YEARBOOKS & SENIOR PHOTOS! Order your yearbook at Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to PinterestShare to Email
After School at the Teen Center Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to PinterestShare to Email
Cell Phone Policy Click here to see the School Board Policy around personal technology usage Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to PinterestShare to Email
CLASSIFIED STAFF OF THE YEAR- MANNY ZAMORA Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to PinterestShare to Email
Friday School Need tutoring? Come to Friday School! Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to PinterestShare to Email